
This is the diary of me, myself and I; as I am taking the journey to find my inner guidance. I am guided by Gabrielle Bernstein's book "Add More ~ing To Your Life." As I follow Gabrielle's equation to truly finding my ~ing, I will document everything and share it with you.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Words to the Wise


I was watching Gabrielle's F Word Lecture on her website and this statement really stuck out to me.

This statement is so true, the more you fall out of love the more you become distant to your ~inner guidance. The more you have love the more likely you are to find, follow, and stay with your inner guidance. And by love I don't think Gabrielle means falling in love with a guy and getting married and everything along those lines. But I think it means falling in love with yourself, with what makes your happy and who makes you happy. Again, that did not mean finding your prince charming but your best friends, friends, family, or whoever you love being around. It is all about making yourself happy and falling in love with you because the more you fall in love with yourself - the more likely you are to stay true to your inner guidance.


  1. That's very true, and in order to really fall "in love" with another person, you need to love yourself. I've also heard that in truth, we do not "fall in love" with other people, if we are love and living in a state of love, we find other people in that state and share a loving experience with them. Which can be with family, friends, romantic partners, etc. It's the heathiest state of love to be in.
