
This is the diary of me, myself and I; as I am taking the journey to find my inner guidance. I am guided by Gabrielle Bernstein's book "Add More ~ing To Your Life." As I follow Gabrielle's equation to truly finding my ~ing, I will document everything and share it with you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Follow Your Heart

While on my interview with Macha about a week ago...she picked out an Oracle card that would fit me perfectly. And this one did, so I decided to share it with all of you! Some may not understand but for the situation I was in at the time - this card hit the nail on the head! XO

St. Francis:
Follow your heart. The answer to your question is in your heart. This card signifies that you can trust your hearts true desires even if you can't clearly see how the outcome will appear or manifest. This is a situation where you're called upon to walk in faith and be true to yourself. The Universe will ensure that your needs are met and will help you with your relationships as your make life changes.

Additional meanings: You already know what to do, trust your intuition and take action accordingly. Your feelings are accurate and valid. You're guided to make important and happy life changes. You're receiving true divine guidance through your feelings and intuition.

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