
This is the diary of me, myself and I; as I am taking the journey to find my inner guidance. I am guided by Gabrielle Bernstein's book "Add More ~ing To Your Life." As I follow Gabrielle's equation to truly finding my ~ing, I will document everything and share it with you.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Chapter 7 Overview

So I apologize for leaving my blog so empty for a little while, I was on vacation with my wonderful family and we are currently on our way home from the lovely new york city. Anywho - this past week on my vacation so many amazing things happened and I can not wait to share them with you!! But I must explain more about what I am reading in Gabrielle's book.

Chapter 7: Stretching - Beyong the Ego's Backlash
So this chapter is very near and dear to my heart because of the past two weeks. Gabrielle explains that in this chapter that if your truly start to find and follow your ~ing that it is going to scare your ego. Your ego is basically the one telling you all the negative thoughts you have been having and by following your ~ing, your ego gets scared and starts to bascially retaliate on you. This is can happen with anything whether it be a simple habit or thought, your ego is there to drag you back to how you were before. And trust me from experience, this has already happened to me a few times. It stinks - plain and simple.

One day you think your doing so good and WHAM - your ego hits you right in the face and you are back to how you were before. I know this is not where I want to be when my ego tries to take over. Gabrielle gives you a few "tips" as to how to keep your ego out of the light and let your ~ing shine.

What Gabrielle tells you to do is: STRETCH. Now, you may think this is simple but it actually works! I do yoga or pilates whenever I feel my ego creeping back into my life. I believe that Gabrielle means this figuratively and physically because you physically need to stretch in order to get your mind away from going back to your ego. (Gabrielle uses a physical activity with almost every chapter in order to help you truly find your ~ing.) And she figuratively means it by saying that we need S-T-R-E-T-C-H beyond the ego; get as far away from it as possible. In a way I think of slinky dog from Toy Story (only because I saw it the other weekend) but he stretches in order to make himself longer - but this is what we need to do in order to not listen to our ego and find our ~ing.

When my ego creeps back up on me: relationships, being made fun of and looking good. These may be simple but they really bug me the most if my ego tries to creep back in any of these areas. Enjoy! XO

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